Arlene M. French, Esq., LL.M. started her engineering career at Rocky Flats in the mid-1980’s at various production facilities. After working on developing the AK methodology first used on residues, and then on TRU and LLW residue reduction, Arlene became an original member of the Efficiencies Working Group (EWG) at Rocky. She founded Aspen Resources in 1997. Arlene’s DOE site experience includes work at: Rocky Flats, Hanford, Idaho, Pinellas, Los Alamos and Sandia. Arlene has her engineering degree from Purdue, LL.M. from the University of Denver, and her Juris Doctorate from the University of Colorado.

Michael A. Rivera is an original patent holder on the Pipe Overpack Component, a brain child of the EWG. Mike is well recognized in the Complex for his innovative strategies for solving difficult waste problems and for effectuating strategies to reduce volume, schedule and cost. He has lead initiatives that resulted in significant drum loading and transportation efficiency, risk reduction, and cost savings.