Recent Projects
Idaho Cleanup Project,
Idaho Falls, ID
WIPP/Transuranic Waste Acceptable Knowledge Expertise to the Idaho Cleanup Project’s TRU Waste Program. Development and approval of Enhanced Acceptable Knowledge documentation required for the certification, transport, and disposal of stored and newly generated transuranic waste at the INL.
Sandia National Laboratory (SNL) Albuquerque, N.M.
QA/QC and specialized expertise in packaging and transportation of nuclear materials and waste; 20 years ongoing support.
Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Carlsbad Office
Subject Matter Expertise support for the Difficult Waste Team.
Mirion Technologies Inc.,
Los Alamos, NM
Non-Destructive Assay engineering.
TRU Waste Programs, DOE
WIPP and TRU waste technical support for characterization.
Los Alamos, NM
Feasibility Study for Disposition of LANL TRU Waste in Storage at WCS; options for preparing reactive waste for transport and ultimate disposal at the WIPP. Out-of-commerce transportation.
Los Alamos, NM
Implementation of DOE Order 435.1, Radioactive Waste Management. Focus on waste form compliance and difficult waste.
DOE EM- Headquarters (EMCBC)
Technical expert support to the DOE HQ Environmental Management organization (EM); DOE Order 435.1, other and strategic programmatic support.